Why Your Call to Action Can Make or Break Your Facebook Ad Success
With any type of marketing, your call to action (CTA) will always be the key to your success. If you are just starting out with Facebook ads, a clear CTA can make the difference between an average campaign and one that hits your marketing goal.
Set Your Goal
In order to create a clear call to action, you first have to set your goal for your ad. There are several goals to choose from:
- Make people more aware of you
- Position yourself as an authority
- Make more sales
- Get attendees to live events
The goal you decide upon will determine the call to action you include.
1. Awareness
Running an ad can be one of the best ways to call attention to your brand and connect with people in your niche who might not otherwise know that you exist. Awareness leads to interaction and loyalty. Calls to action that make sense in this context would include, “Read more”, “Learn more”, or “Click here for more”.
2. Authority
In this case, you don’t just want to make them aware of your brand, you also want to convey some sort of prestige or status in your niche. You might therefore offer a free webinar or suggest they join your group to get free information about a topic that you know is of interest to people in your niche. Think of the problems they have, and suggest you can offer a solution.
3. Subscribers
Many marketers argue that email marketing is dead because of the ease with which you can make connections on social media. However, it can be difficult to quantify your engagement and how successful your ads are. Social media in conjunction with email marketing is measurable and much more powerful. In this case, the goal is to get them on your email marketing list. This can help with goals 1 and 2 above as well. Once they are on your list, they can get to know more about your brand and come to appreciate your expertise.
Giving them an incentive to sign up for your list can help. Offer a free report, templates and more, in exchange for their email address. Then you can write calls to action like “Subscribe now”, or “Download your free report now”.
4. Sales
If your item is pretty cheap, your ad can try to go for the direct sale. Include an attractive image of the item, enticing headline, explanatory teaser copy, and a link to go to the sales landing page to purchase the item. The call action would be “Buy now”.
In the case of goals 3 and 4, you would be able to measure how many subscribers you get and sales you make. This will help determine the success of your ad and the return on investment (ROI) of running it.
5. Getting People into Your Business or Live Event
You can encourage people to book a table in advance, buy tickets for an event, order free tickets, and so on. Include the appropriate call to action in your description.
Using Facebook’s Buttons
Facebook will allow you to create attractive buttons. The ones currently available are Shop Now, Learn More, Sign Up, Book Now, or Download. Use them strategically, and see what a different it makes to how well you are able to achieve your goals.